Christopher Burk of the Burk Injury Lawyers in Las Vegas Nevada wants everyone to know that he has recently been licensed to practice law in Hawaii. Now, anyone injured in Nevada, California, Arizona or Hawaii can call Burk if they are hurt by a jerk.
Ridesharing is a convenient and relatively safe way to travel in the city. But with their rise in popularity comes a rise in accidents involving them. In this video attorney Christopher Burk talks about the recent increase in accidents involving ride share companies.
Chris points out how important it is to have an experienced attorney when dealing with these companies. The experience Chris brings, especially when it comes to dealing with insurance companies is key to winning a case against a negligent driver and the company they drive for.
If you have been injured due to the negligence of a ride share driver call the Burk Injury Lawyers at 702-620-2020 for a free consultation.