How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take? (Video)

How Long Does It Take For a Personal Injury Case to Resolve?
Nov 24, 2020
In this video, Las Vegas attorney Christopher Burk of the Burk Injury Lawyers addresses how long it takes to resolve a personal injury case? If you need legal help call the Burk Injury Lawyers at 702-620-2020 for a free consultation.

What if I’m Injured But Don’t Live In Nevada? (Video)

What if I’m Injured But Don’t Live In Nevada?
Nov 24, 2020
In this video, Las Vegas attorney Christopher Burk of the Burk Injury Lawyers addresses the issue of people who come to Nevada from another state and get injured. If you need legal help call the Burk Injury Lawyers at 702-620-2020...

Broken Hotel Chair Leads to a Lawsuit (Video)

The Partiot Law Firm
Oct 26, 2020
Christopher Burk of the Burk Injury Lawyers in Las Vegas talks about a recent case where his client tumbled and injured his shoulder after sitting on a broken hotel room chair. Chris’ account of the investigative work involved shows how...

What is a Catastrophic Injury?

paramedics helping an injured woman on a stretcher with neck injury
Sep 7, 2020
Wondering what is considered a catastrophic injury? A catastrophic injury is one that leaves its victim with a permanent disability or disfigurement that prevents them from performing gainful work. These are injuries that are life-changing and costly in terms of...

Do You Need a Las Vegas Escalator Injury Lawyer?

Apr 22, 2020
If an escalator has not been properly maintained, its owner or maintenance team could be liable for injuries from falls from it under premise liability. When a problem that caused a fall is related to a design or manufacturing flaw,...

Trampoline Park and Playground Injuries with Attorney Chris Burk (Video)

Interview with Christopher D. Burk
Apr 16, 2020
Attorney Chris Burk of The Burk Injury Lawyers discusses trampoline park and playground injuries and what parents can do to avoid them. Click the video below to watch the interview. Rocky:Most kids love trampoline parks and indoor playgrounds but...
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